What is integrative medicine and how can it improve your quality of life?

Integrative medicine focuses on these aspects: sleep, food movement and mental resilience. While it sounds simple, who wouldn’t want to see improvement in at least one of the areas? Whether we are your primary care provider or part of your complex care team, let’s talk about what integrative medicine can do for you.


The key is working WITH rather than against your current medical team. Medosh Integrative Medical Center wants to be the missing piece of the puzzle to help you meet your health goals. Acupuncture is the heart of our office. Our doctors are trained in Traditional Chinese Medicine, which includes much more than just needles! We speak the same medical language as your specialists while providing holistic solutions.


Traditional Chinese Medicine, or TCM, includes acupuncture, herbal pharmacology, medical massage as well as numerous manual therapies and qi gong, or energy healing. As a complete medical system on its own, our patients have so much to gain by incorporating this with Western medical care. Alternative medicine picks up where allopathic medicine leaves off, focusing on preventative care and treatment of the root cause of symptoms.


Our team is educated and an open book, so bring us your burning questions about acupuncture and alternative medicine!